We know that liquid spills will run into the back of the carpet because of gravity and the flow through nature of most carpets. In cleaning up these spills we can use this to our advantage. The liquid will run down into the carpet and as it dries it will wick up to the surface of the carpet fibers. Blot up as much of the spill as possible with paper towels, and then pack HOST Dry Extraction Cleaner on the spill. (Only use HOST cleaner, do not use HOST SJ for this packing procedure.)
If you don’t have any HOST Dry Extraction Cleaner, place a layer (1/2″) of paper towels over the spill and weigh them down with some books or other weight. As the area dries, the liquid will be drawn into the towels instead of to the tips of the yarns. When the area is dry, remove the towels. The spill will be gone. However, you should return and clean the area with HOST Dry Extraction Cleaner as soon as possible to prevent resoilling.