When cleaning and vacuuming grouted tile floor, the HOST equipment may accumulate a greater amount of damp HOST Dry Extraction Cleaner under the hood, in the hoses and in the filter cone than when cleaning a carpet. Check the machine frequently to prevent excessive build up. When using the Liberator or Freestyle, thoroughly clean under the hood, the vacuum shoe, the hose, the hose connections, the filters and the bagless hopper. Clean the brushes after each use with a vacuum or with a little detergent and water. Make sure they are dry before returning them to the machine. When using the Reliant, be sure to clean the brushes and under the hood as well.
Caution: HOST Dry Extraction Cleaner on grouted tile floor can cause slippery conditions, personnel cleaning grout with HOST cleaner should take extra care when walking on the tile. In addition, make sure the area being cleaned remains closed to traffic until all HOST cleaner has been vacuumed up. Do not let the HOST machine run in one place for a long time as this can cause excessive brush wear and may result in the brush guard hitting and damaging the tile. Always check the brushes to make sure that they are at least 4 ½ inch in diameter. If for any reason the metal brush guard comes in contact with the tile floor turn off the machine immediately. HOST extractorVAC machines should not be used to vacuum up water.
It’s important to follow routine maintenance practices to keep your HOST machine in optimal working order. Many of the following procedures take only a few minutes of your time but will keep your machine running for years.