Washington, D.C. based non-profit Green Seal, the premier independent eco-label in the United States, is excited to announce that two of HOST’s dry carpet cleaning products meet the criteria of GS-8 & GS-37, Green Seal’s environmental standard for institutional and industrial cleaners. Green Seal, Inc. is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. and is the premier independent ecolabel in the United States.
HOST uses environmentally safe compounds in two of their products, HOST Dry Extraction Cleaner and HOST SJ. The HOST Dry Extraction Cleaning System also limits water use by as much as 97 percent when compared to other systems. The fifth edition of GS-37, released August of 2009, tightened the restrictions regarding reproductive toxins and volatile organic compounds as well as prohibited phthalates, and chemicals known to cause asthma. This updated standard now goes further than any national cleaning product standard in protecting human health and the environment.
Products certified under the GS-8 & GS-37 standards are among the greenest cleaning products available on the market. Green Seal certification is awarded to products that meet the standards of performance, safety and reliability. The recertification verifies HOST’s mission of encouraging consumers and businesses to make responsible choices that positively impact and improve the quality of the environment. “We achieved our first Green Seal certification 18 years ago and will continue to look for ways to improve the sustainability of our products along with the processes used to manufacture them.”
Green Seal is an independent, non-profit organization that uses science-based programs to empower consumers, purchasers and companies to create a more sustainable world. For more information visit www.greenseal.org.